The 3 resolutions I make every year (and stick to)

I LOVE resolutions.

I find a clean desk calendar with nothing written on it and no coffee stains (yet) so extremely refreshing. I love the hope of walking near the pool with enviable abs. I love having something to focus on now that the holiday decorations are clear and I’m stuck indoors for a few cold months.

To the nay-sayers who roll their eyes and say: “resolutions never stick, you psycho,” let me be clear, I’m eating cheese as I write this. And those cookies left over from Christmas?  There’s no shot I’m just going to throw them in the garbage. Eating healthy and exercising is something we resolve to do every Monday.

New Year Resolutions need a little more flair. Like, one year, when I became too mature to order vodka cranberry in a punch bowl, I resolved to find my favorite type and region of wine. I drank a bunch of types until I realized which one was mine.

So here’s my 3-prong approach…

Resolution #1: Be better at something

Every year, I try to find something that I want to be better at doing. Maybe this stems from my grandfather. He was one of the most accomplished, intelligent men I’ve ever known. But he used to tell me there were a few regrets he had in life: never learning to play an instrument, never becoming fluent in a foreign language and never keeping a journal. I always think of this when we flip to a new year and I still haven’t mastered that  one skill I’ve been thinking of.

For me, this year it’s photography. I dabble, badly, and want to do better. Thanks to Amazon, “Nikon for Dummies” should be in my mailbox any day. And you, my friends, will see my progress as I post to my social pages.

Resolution #2: Choose to do something indulgent

Over the last 12 months, I went for one pedicure. One. When I finally went with my sister a few days before Christmas, the horrified nail tech looked at my foot and told me I couldn’t go for the level one pedicure, I needed to step it up to the level 2 signature pedicure.

Now that my baby is technically a “toddler”, I’m going to schedule an hour or so at least once a month to do something to take care of me. (See, nay-sayers, this one can be kept)

Resolution #3: Do something for the greater good

How can I make this world a better place? Whether it’s donating, getting involved in a charity or organization or having an environmental impact, I try to do something that helps others.

If you know me personally, you know that I’m horrified by single use plastics getting into our oceans and affecting our wildlife. All of these products we use daily are only for “convenience”, but what price are we ultimately paying? Click here to get facts about plastics in our oceans.

I’m making it a resolution to reduce the waste coming out of my household, step by step. This is a resolution I’ll be sharing with you over the coming months here on this website, just in case you also want to leave the earth a better and cleaner place for our kiddos.

My first round of products are on the way … and I can’t wait to show you how my household gets greener in 2020.

Change is good

There’s no sense in resisting change. All I have to do is take a look back at who I was and how I lived in 2010. And that’s why I love resolutions … in January, June or even eleventh hour November. My clean desk calendar is blank. There’s plenty of time to work on who I want to be.

Cheers, friends!


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